백준 문제 https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/1922 를 기반으로함.
Macro + Input 방식:
#define intmax 2147483647 #define FOR(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i < b; ++i) #define REP(i, n) FOR(i, 0, n) #define mp make_pair #define pii pair<int, int> #define pipii pair<int, pii> #define SIZE 1001 int N, M; struct info { int to; int cost; }; vector<info> graph[SIZE]; int ans; void TakeInput() { cin >> N >> M; REP(i, M) { int from, to, cost; cin >> from >> to >> cost; graph[from].push_back({ to, cost }); graph[to].push_back({ from, cost }); } }
Kruskal :
vector<int> whosyaparent; vector<int> yourRank; int findP(int index) { if (index != whosyaparent[index]) whosyaparent[index] = findP(whosyaparent[index]); return whosyaparent[index]; } void unite(int x, int y) { x = findP(x), y = findP(y); if (yourRank[x] > yourRank[y]) whosyaparent[y] = x; else { whosyaparent[x] = y; if (yourRank[x] == yourRank[y]) ++yourRank[y]; } } void Kruskal() // union-by-rank + path compression { whosyaparent = vector<int>(N + 1, 0); for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) whosyaparent[i] = i; yourRank = vector<int>(N + 1, 0); priority_queue<pipii> pq; // -cost(min), from to FOR(i, 1, N + 1) { REP(j, graph[i].size()) { info& you = graph[i][j]; /* The reason why I negate the cost is that I'd like to make the priority_queue min_heqp priority queue. So, Notice that I negate the cost value to use it! */ pq.push(mp(-you.cost, mp(i, you.to))); } } while (pq.empty() == false) { pipii top = pq.top(); pq.pop(); int from = top.second.first; int to = top.second.second; int cost = -top.first; if (findP(from) != findP(to)) { ans += cost; unite(from, to); } } }
Prim :
vector<pipii> keyandpi; vector<bool> visited; void Prim() { visited = vector<bool>(N + 1, false); keyandpi = vector<pipii>(N + 1, mp(-intmax, mp(0, 0))); // key, its index, parent REP(i, N + 1) keyandpi[i].second.first = i; // start point 1 keyandpi[1].first = 0; priority_queue<pipii> pq; FOR(i, 1, N + 1) pq.push(keyandpi[i]); while (pq.empty() == false) { pipii top = pq.top(); pq.pop(); int from = top.second.first; if (visited[from]) { // the reason why I do this is that // the node already visited weight the cost twice. // So we have to clear the weight. ans = top.first == intmax * -1 ? ans : ans + top.first; continue; } visited[from] = true; REP(i, graph[from].size()) { int to = graph[from][i].to; int cost = graph[from][i].cost; if (visited[to] || cost >= keyandpi[to].first * -1) continue; keyandpi[to].first = cost * -1; keyandpi[to].second.second = from; pq.push(mp(cost * -1, mp(to, from))); ans += cost; } } }
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