Post Lists

2018년 11월 6일 화요일

Game Development Progress

여기에 게임 개발한 것들이 점점 발전되어가는 것을 저장하고 기록하려고 한다.

181107 Just RigidBody Simulation
Box vs Box, Box vs Sphere, Box vs Plane.

181110 deferred rendering first try
100 lights, 200fps, tone mapping HDR, gamma correction.

181114 Dynamic AABB Tree(Bounding Volume Hierarchy)
First Implementation of Broad Phase. There are lots of rooms to improve.
But I think that this first try is good. 

181122 Make Ray From Screen Click + Object Picking Through RayCast

181126 월요일

181127 Simple Translation Gizmo Implementation

I added lots of feature for a while.
You can check the progresses of my engine in twitter

The latest video is..

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